News & Information

News & Updates from the park


Aug 2012

Updates to Membership Discounts

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KPDC is pleased to announce the following updates to the membership discount program.

If you have not already gone to get your membership card please visit our Platinum Sponsor PetValu Stores at Reenders or Rivergrove to receive your new membership cards. These cards are the required identification for you to receive your discounts from any of our sponsors. If you are not yet a member of KPDC you will also be able to purchase your membership at these PetValu locations.

The following is the current list of KPDC sponsors (as of Aug 3, 2012) as well as the discounts available only to KPDC members.

Sponsor Level Members’ Discount
Pet Valu (Reenders/Rivergrove) Platinum 10% on all products and services
Alpine Animal Hospital Gold TBD
Corporate Source Inc. Gold 10% on all products and services
Dogfather Pet Services Gold 10% on all products and services
Interior Autobody Gold 10% on all products and services
JD Hoggs Gold 10% on all products and services
McPhillips Animal Hospital Gold 10% on all exam fees
Mobile Paws Gold 10% on all products and services
Sprockett’s Doggy Day Camp Gold 10% on all products and services

Remember to visit our sponsors and shop often to take full advantage of your membership discounts.


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