News & Information

News & Updates from the park


Nov 2017


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Are you looking for a fun and fulfilling way to serve your community? Are you passionate about your favourite dog park and willing to work actively to make Kilcona the best off-leash area in Winnipeg?

As a member of Kilcona Park Dog Club’s Board of Directors,  you’ll have the perfect opportunity to use your knowledge, skills, life experiences and insights to give back to a cause you care about.

On November 23, KPDC will elect its 2018 Board of Directors. There are two vacancies that must be filled if the club is to have the resources it needs to move forward with priority park improvements – bringing potable water into the dog park and installing a drinking fountain and rinse station.

Directors act as ambassadors for KPDC, attend 6 meetings a year, and manage the affairs of the club between meetings. These are voluntary positions; however reasonable expenses are paid. Terms are for one year.

All KPDC members over the age of 18 are welcome to serve on the Board of Directors. Prior Board experience is not necessary. KPDC, in cooperation with Volunteer Manitoba, provides not-for-profit Board training to all Directors.

Interested in serving on the Board and/or want more information? Please email Donna Henry at

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