Aug 2013Dogs Rule!
Posted by president@kilconaparkdogclub.ca / in Information /
Dogs Rule!
Monday was National Dog Day, the perfect day to give that puppy some extra puppy love!
Photo credit: Vince Pahkala
With sunny skies and plus 30 degree temperatures, Kilcona Park was the coolest place in town to celebrate the dog days of summer. It was the largest National Dog Day event in Canada!
Photo credit: Vince Pahkala
Hundreds of Winnipeg dog owners celebrated in style at the KPDC – IAMS National dog Day Party in the Park, indulging their furry pals with popsicles handed out by a local radio station, treats dished up by the IAMS Doggie Café and Pet Valu, and JD Doggs’ delicious custom-smoked hotdogs and sausages with all the trimmings. With days like that, it’s awesome being a dog!
Photo credit: Vince Pahkala
At their popular themed face painting booth, Royal LePage Prime artists amazed and amused everyone – transforming children and fun-loving adults into adorable dogs. Several cats were also spotted in the dog park!
Photo credit: Pascale Thibodeau
And IAMS photographers were on hand to capture that special smile.
National Dog Day honours “The Dog” – raising awareness about sheltered dogs in need of for good homes, and encouraging their adoption. It honours dogs that work selflessly every day to save lives and keep people safe, and raises a paw to the one creature in your life who is always happy to see you when you get home.
Photo credit: Vince Pahkala
The National Dog Day Foundation’s motto is, “Saving 10,000 Dogs – One Day at a Time”. It’s a goal they try to meet each year.
The participation of Angel’s Haven, Boston Terrier Pug Rescue, DREAM, Earth Terrier Rescue, Manitoba Small Dog Rescue and Manitoba Underdogs, many volunteer foster parents, and adorable adoptables waiting for placement drew attention to the critical need for permanent homes for rescued dogs in need of love, protection and companionship.
Photo credit: Vince Pahkala
Photo credit: Vince Pahkala
Photo credit: Vince Pahkala
Photo credit: Vince Pahkala
KPDC’s Board of Directors salutes its partners, corporate sponsors and the great volunteers who made KPDC – IAMS National Dog Day such a huge success! Their special talents and skills, time and effort brought in over $1800 for Kilcona Dog Park improvements.
Photo credit: Vince Pahkala
The Volunteer Team that Rocks!
Angie Carriere
Carol Barrett
Cindy Greenlay
Gail Warywoda
Julie Johnson
Kevin Gordon
Kyle Lawrence
Leslie McLaren
Maria Conley
Melanie Bidzinski
Michelle Champagne
Pat Gray
Robyn Mahara
Sasha Emric
Teresa Wiebe
The Board also thanks IAMS for their generous donation to KPDC for park improvements; Wayne L’Esperance – the Dogfather – for providing the free doggy day care for volunteers and partners; Park Foreman Mark Storimans and his staff for logistical support; and our official event photographer Vince Pahkala for capturing so many wonderful images of the day on camera.