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News & Updates from the park


Nov 2017

Reminder – An Invitation to an All-Work, All-Play AGM!

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KPDC’s Annual General Meeting is being held on Thursday night at 6:30pm at the Bronx Community Centre – Henderson Highway and Bronx Avenue, one block south of Henderson and Kimberley.

1. KPDC’s Board is proposing an expansion to Kilcona’s off-leash area. The Board  needs members’ input if the club’s proposal is to win the approval of City Council. A vote will be held at the AGM on the proposed expansion.

2. This week your Board met with Councillors Wyatt (Transcona) and Browaty (North Kildonan) and City officials to discuss the installation of potable water in Kilcona’s off-leash area. Learn more about where the project stands and provide your input into the proposal to bring clean, fresh drinking water into the park

3.The City is developing a new off-leash area management plan that will apply to all existing and new dog parks. KPDC  has asked the City to make all dog parks single-use (for example, to prohibit runners and bicycles in off-leash areas) and in the interest of safety, to pass legislation to prevent unsupervised children from entering dog parks. Learn how you can have a say in how Winnipeg’s dog parks will be managed and what facilities and services the City will will provide.

4 . Kilcona Park Dog Club’s AGM is certainly not all about work.

– It’s a fun time to socialize with other dog park friends.

– Enjoy high-quality food courtesy of KPDC platinum sponsor JD Hoggs Sausage Co. – vegan options offered.

-Win valuable door prizes – Birchwood Ford, Sprockett’s, McPhillip’s Animal Hospital, Boston Pizza and other corporate sponsors.

– Win amazing 2017 Early Bird Contest prizes – Walden Way, Sprockett’s, Manitoba Moose.

– Win the 50/50 raffle.

-Win free gift certificates with admission – first come, first served.

KPDC welcomes you input in moving forward on the water features project , the dog park expansion and the City’s off-leash area management plan. The Board to hear your views at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday night.


Donna Henry
President – Kilcona Park Dog Club Inc.

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