
KPDC Events


Oct 2012

2012 Annual General Meeting

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Notice of Kilcona Park Dog Club’s 2021 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Monday, November 19, 2012 at 7pm.
Kilcona Park Alliance Church
1977 Norris Street, right next to the dog park


Please mark your calendar!



You must be a KPDC 2012/13 member to attend the meeting, vote and stand for office.

Membership Options

1. Purchase your membership at Pet Valu – either the Reenders or Rivergrove location before the AGM.

(Reminder – If you renew on or before October 31 you’ll be automatically entered to win a $50 gift certificate for veterinary services at  Alpine Animal Hospital.)

2.  Purchase your 2012/13 memberships at the door between 6:30 and 7pm.

If you’re purchasing a membership at the AGM, make sure you arrive early! Memberships won’t be sold after the meeting starts – 7pm .

Draft 2012 AGM Agenda*


Adoption of the minutes of 2011 AGM

President’s Annual Report

Treasurer’s Annual Report

Motions – Proposed bylaw amendments and fee increases

Election of the Board of Directors

* Final version of the agenda will be distributed by October 20, in accordance with KPDC bylaws.

Over 18 years and interested in serving on the Board of Directors?  

You may run for any position on the Board. If you are interested in serving, please bring your nominator and seconder to the meeting to sign your nomination papers, which will be available at the door. If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you need to send a letter with your nominator giving permission to let your name stand.


General Membership Meeting

A short General Membership Meeting will follow the AGM. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss and vote on the Board’s recommendations for KPDC-funded off-leash area initiatives.


Door prize –  Gift Certificate for 1 free day of dog daycare at Sprockett’s


All members are encouraged to attend. The Board relies upon your continued involvement, support and feedback.



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