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Dec 2015

Twas the Night Before Christmas

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Kilcona’s new waste bag dispensers were filled on Christmas Eve. This marks the launch of a year long pilot project to monitor and evaluate the impact that waste bag dispensers have on the rate of pick up in Kilcona Park.

In honour of the season and the occasion, KPDC offer a playful thank you to KPDC’s Platinum Sponsor, Royal LePage Prime’s Broker & Managing Partner, Michael Froese and Realtors Joie Page and Heather Vandenberg who came out to install the first bags in the park this afternoon. Royal LePage Prime helped fund the installation of the dispensers and is purchasing waste bags on an ongoing basis. KPDC wishes to thank Senior Park Foreman Brent Maxwell and park staff who will monitor the dispensers and refill them when necessary.

T’was the night before Christmas and at the dog park
The Royal LePage Prime team was making its mark.
They were dressed in warm parkas, from head to their toe,
Enjoying the sunshine and new fallen snow.

A bundle of waste bags they flung on their backs,
The team looked like peddlers, just opening their packs.
While happy dogs played, they went straight to their work,
To solve the poop problem that drives us berserk.

Michael’s eyes-how they twinkled! His smile was so merry!
Joie’s cheeks were like roses, Heather’s nose like a cherry!
New waste bags were hung in dispensers with care
In hopes that dog owners would pick up their share.

And then, in a twinkling, I saw on the trails
Dogs running, and barking and wagging their tails,
Chasing balls and each other, caught up in the game.
People whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

“Come Dexter! Come, Spenser! Come, Bowser and Gibson!
Heel Kismet! Sit, Cuda! Come Downey and Winston!
To the top of the hill and bring me the ball!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!”

They filled all the dispensers before it got dark
And now there are Mutt Mitts all over the park.
I heard Michael exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!”

Bags installed

Royal LePage staff

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