Posted by Kilcona Park Dog Club / in Events, Information /
Are you 18 or over and passionate about improving Kilcona Dog Park?
Kilcona Park Dog Club is looking for enthusiastic, outgoing volunteers to assist in selling tickets for our 2013 “People on the Go” Raffle. The raffle is a major fund raiser for Kilcona Park Dog Club; the club’s goal is to raise $4500.
Proceeds from the raffle will be directed to a variety of improvements that dog owners have requested for the off-leash area.
The priorities are additional picnic tables – both standard and wheel-chair accessible designs; more trees – particularly spruce and pine – to create windbreaks; and additional benches at scenic spots along the trails.
KPDC will not be able to fund any improvements to the off-leash area without the raffle and we can’t run the raffle without lots of volunteers. So…we’re asking for your help.
The commitment is minimal – one 2 to 4 hour shift every six weeks from January to May, 2013.
Our sponsors have donated prizes for the “People on the Go” raffle that will have a broad appeal to busy folks, whether they’re dog owners or not, so we´ll be selling tickets at neighbourhood grocery stores like Sobey’s and Safeway. Volunteers will be working in pairs and we’ll be happy to accommodate your schedule.
The draw for prizes – restaurant gift cards, and free yard work, car maintenance and housecleaning services – will be made at KPDC’s Annual BBQ in May 2013.
Interested volunteers, please contact Susan Argue at vicepresident@kilconaparkdogclub.ca.