Posted by Kilcona Park Dog Club / in Information /
The winners of Kilcona Park Dog Club’s 2015 “Make a Splash – “The Real Journey to Churchill!” raffle reported in on the each day of their awesome vacation.
“Fabulous flight on Calm Air. Beautiful weather in Churchill. Tour of Fort Prince of Wales. Amazing history.
Then Sea North Tours boat out onto the Bay. Surrounded by a hundred curious white belugas. We were astounded. Even saw the grey babies! Very cute.
Exceeded all expectations. Can’t wait for tomorrow… Teresa & Gordie
“Big hike today courtesy of North Star Tours – Sloops Cove to Fort Prince of Wales. Gorgeous weather again. History here is incredible.
Saw beautiful sandhill cranes and seals popping their heads up!
Night scene at Tundra Inn hopping. So many young people that are living and working in Churchill and loving it. Sunset and full moon topped off a great day!”
Teresa & Gordie
“Today we went on a long ride along the coast to see the general Churchill area. Again, lots of history.
With the acknowledgement of the displacement of the Dene peoples I thought it appropriate to include a photo of some of the graves of the unfortunate. Lots of babies died of a rampant epidemic here.
But the best thing happened – we saw a polar bear rambling along Eskimo Point! I can go home happy now!
Staff at the Seaport Hotel have been excellent. They even found and put away a very expensive pair of glasses that accidentally fell out of my knapsack. What a relief! The room is well equipped, comfortable and clean.
After 3 days of incredibly beautiful weather, this evening the thunder and lightening hit and it is pouring now. We were very lucky.
We’ll see what tomorrow brings. Take care.”
Teresa & Gordie
“What we thought was our last day here… Spent the day wandering in and out of every gift shop and museum we could. Eskimo Museum has the most incredible collection of Inuit sculptures from the 1940’s on.
A fog thick as pea soup rolled in and our 8:15 pm flight to Winnipeg was cancelled!!
Shuttle from Seaport Hotel was right there to take us back for a 4th night. Can’t get out until 3 tomorrow, IF the fog lifts. Oh well, better safe than sorry…”
Teresa & Gordie
“We got home at 7:30 Friday night! We went back to the Seaport Hotel Thursday night. Flights were packed on Friday and we couldn’t get out until 3pm.
Extremely cold and windy now. Wow, did we have great weather for our tours earlier in the week! What a change! Flying into Winnipeg was like arriving at a warm, green jungle.
All in all, we both absolutely loved the entire experience of being so far north and would highly recommend it to anyone with an adventurous spirit. It is a beautiful and unusual place for people who only go south from Winnipeg.
Truly hope things work out for the people of Churchill. There’s going to be a lot of changes coming.
Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to take this trip to Churchill.”
Teresa & Gordie