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Jun 2019

A Tale of BFF’s and a Winning Dog Fest Raffle Ticket!!

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Donna Turner (left) and Shannon Druwe with Kismet and Tazer

There is nothing better than a best friend, unless it is a best friend with chocolate (or a winning raffle ticket)!

The winner of Winnipeg Dog Fest’s 50/50 raffle says she owes her jackpot – not to luck – but to a last-minute phone call from her best friend encouraging her to buy a ticket.

Long-time KPDC member, Donna Turner couldn’t take Tazer and Kismet to Dog Fest so her best friend, Shannon Druwe picked up the fur kids and drove them to the party. At the park, Shannon took a moment to call Donna with the news that there was a 50/50 raffle and ask if she wanted to buy tickets.

Donna didn’t hesitate.  A major supporter of KPDC’s ‘Make a Splash’ clean water campaign, she asked Shannon to buy $10 worth of tickets to support the project.

When we informed Donna she had the winning ticket and she’d just won $245, she was more than surprised..she was momentarily speechless. “I am shocked…I never win anything. Shannon’s a wonderful friend and I’ll be giving her half the money.”

Here’s to friendship and our wonderful besties!

Congratulations ladies!!

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