Apr 2013KPDC Mounts Dogged Defense of Kilcona’s Off-Leash Area
Posted by Kilcona Park Dog Club / in Information /
KPDC Mounts Dogged Defense of Kilcona’s Off-Leash Are
Kilcona Park Dog Club will present its own land use plan to the City on Monday, one unanimously approved by its membership earlier this week. The Kilcona plan is based on the recommendations of two reports previously commissioned by the City of Winnipeg
KPDC, which represents over 3000 dog owners on the Kilcona Park/Harbourview Recreation Complex Stakeholder Group, is urging the City to support its plan to maintain the integrity of Winnipeg’s largest off-leash area. Kilcona’s dog community is overwhelmingly the park’s largest and most active year-round user group.
The KPDC plan calls for:
- physical separation of the on-leash and off-leash areas to safeguard people and dogs and minimize user conflicts,
- a modest expansion in the size of the off-leash area to minimize the impact on the environment, improve the visitor experience and accommodate increased usage in the future.
- seasonal off-leash use of some on-leash areas of the park
- reasonable accommodation for disabled dog owners and seniors to experience the park in winter, to socialize with friends and have a fulfilling off-leash recreational experience with their dogs on an equal basis with others.