Jan 20192018 Kilcona Park Dog Club Outstanding Volunteer Honour Roll
Posted by president@kilconaparkdogclub.ca / in Information /
Kilcona Park Dog Club Board of Directors recognizes and thanks 127 outstanding dog-loving volunteers who donated their time and service to Kilcona Park stewardship activities – the spring clean-up, the coyote research project, trail-chipping, Winnipeg Dog Fest, and fundraising to bring clean drinking water into Kilcona. Our favourite dog park is a better place thanks to awesome volunteers like you!
Alex Mills
Alex Rapley
Alex Zenchuk
Alysha Scott
Andrew Robertson
Angela Biyak
Angie Zalondek
Ann Gay
Ashley Toews
Aurora Vandersluis
Bernard St. Amant
Beth Proven
Camille Kram
Chantal DeMare
Charlene Biebrich
Christine Montsion
Christine Quinlan
Cole Kachur
Colleen Hill
Connor Miles Gold
Corrie Shore
Craig Handkamer
Dar Close
Daria Zenchuk
Darryl Burton
Dave Brown
David Firman
Dawn Cross-Baron
Don Martens
Don Taylor
Ericka Oelke
Ezra Vandersluis
Gail Kulyk
Gail Warywoda
Greg Iannaccone
George Foley
Heather Bater
Heather Gold
Helen Foite
Helene Kirkman
Irene Warkentin
Jai Reid
James Biyak
Jamie Neczkar
Janet Werbiski
Jeff Henry
Jeremy McLellan
Jeremy Piche
Jerry Pritchard
Jessica Vandersluis
Jim McEachern
John McPeek
Jon Close
Judy Pfeiffer
Jules Carlson
Karen Friesen
Karen Naylor
Kathleen Kirkman
Kathryn James
Kathy Foley
Keith Vandersluis
Kelly Munroe
Ken Kalturnyk
Kendra Turl
Kieren O’Keeffe
Kim Loeb
Krystyn Larry
Kurt Burstahler
Larissa Munroe
Larry Wozney
Leslie Daum
Linda Christian
Lisa Light
Lori Darragh
Makaela Poirier
Manny Bairos
Margie Jackson
Mary Franklin
Maureen Voss
Melanie Bidzinski
Melissa Makara
Melodye Shymkiw
Mike Dixon
Monika Trendota
Nathan Kachur
Nic Alleyne
Nicolas Blandford
Nicole Doherty
Pat Hervo
Paul Shelton
Payton Poirier
Phil Werbiski
Raf Grymuza
Ray Gutnick
Renee Gould
Rhonda Molotsky
Robert Thompson
Robyn Miller
Ron Fortier
Rose-Zan Verinder
Ross Shaw
Russell Loewen
Ryan Cowtun
Samantha Tease
Sandra Skorupski
Sasha Emric
Sheila Fortier
Sonia Jablonski-Praznik
Stacy Kuryk
Stephanie Biyak
Sue Murray
Susan Argue
Susan Burkitt
Sylvia Champion
Teresa Lynn Holloway
Teresa Zadravec
Terry Fogg
Tony Zerucha
Tyler White
Wendy Bates
William Nerger
Zach Piche
Zelko Krytlyk