News & Information

News & Updates from the park


Sep 2014

Making a Splash RAFFLE

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 Making a Splash RAFFLE

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Kilcona Park Dog Club Inc. (KPDC) is in the middle of our 2014 Raffle. This year we have the Make a Splash Campaign which is raising funds to bring potable water to the park as well as to build dog wash stations and a splash pad.

Raffle tickets are only $5 with three prizes to be won.

First Prize: $500 GenuWine Gift package which includes a
Mahogany Wine Rack, Aerator, Glasses and other wine accessories ($350 value). Also includes a $150 gift basket from Banville & Jones.

Second Prize: $225 in gift cards. $50 Olive Garden, $50 The Keg,
$50 Boston Pizza. 3- $25 gift cards from Sprockett’s Doggy Daycare.

Third Prize: Mini Wii ($100 value)

Raffle tickets are available now at the following sponsors’ locations:

PetValu Reenders
PetValu Rivergrove
Sprockett’s Doggy Daycare
Ken-del Kennels
Or email:

On behalf of Kilcona Park Dog Club Inc and the dogs that we love,
our many thanks for your support.

Raffle Licence#MGCC 5597-RF

We like you too :)

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