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News & Updates from the park


Jan 2013


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The results of the December 2012 Winnipeg Network of Dog Owner Groups (WINDOG) survey are in. KPDC’s Board of Directors received many thoughtful comments from members about current off-leash area issues, concerns and priorities.

There was one big surprise – your responses indicate that your priorites have shifted over the past two years.

In April 2011Kilcona dog owners met with Landscape Architect Dean Spearman. The main concern at the time was trail damage caused by inappropriate maintenance practices.

While you continue to rank trail stabilization and upgrading, the need for more trees, improved washroom access and relocation of the toboggan hill in the top five priorities, the number one issue is that too many people are not picking up after their dogs and there is too much poop in the park, especially near the parking lot and doggy play area.

The good news for Kilcona’s dog community is that this is a no-cost issue that we can resolve ourselves. The solution is in our own hands – literally!

Most members conscientiously picking up after their own dogs and volunteer at the Annual Spring Clean-up. There are also several very dedicated people (members and non-members – you know who you are!) who volunteer their time to pick up poop every week all year-round. Over the last year, KPDC volunteers spent approximately 600 hours picking up poop, but the comments we received indicate that Kilcona’s dog community is not doing enough to solve this problem. We need to do more.

Here’s what KPDC members had to say about the situation.

“It is truly disgusting, and especially noticeable in the winter months.”

“ It is not only unpleasant when walking, but is a health hazard, given that two of my dogs were rescued from a puppy mill, so they have the unhealthy habit of eating poop.”

“It’s completely irresponsible and dangerous…such a risk to all our dogs. Dogs get heartworms and tapeworms and bunch of serious ten-syllable diseases…from dog poop.”

“People are too busy visiting and don’t see their dog pooping.”

“… a lot of owners do not pick up their pets’ waste. Quite a number of owners are there only as a social event and spend most of their time at the picnic tables talking. They are not paying attention to what their dogs are doing.”

“I’ve seen people turn their backs and pretend they don’t see their dog pooping.”

“There’s one guy who brags that he trained his dog to poop in the tall grass so he doesn’t have to pick it up. This is really irresponsible. Our dogs run in the tall grass…they don’t see the stuff and they step in it. It gets it on their feet…even between their toes and they lick it off.  This guy doesn’t understand how parasites and diseases are spread!”

“There’s no excuse for not picking up! The City just installed those giant trash bins and the park staff put extra litter baskets along the trails.”


Here’s what you suggested.

We all need to:

Be assertive – remind people who don’t pick up that they have an obligation to the rest of us.

Carry extra bags and offer them to anyone who isn’t picking up.

Use whistles and flashlights (KPDC’s Number Two Clue Program) in the doggy play area and around the parking lot to alert distracted dog owners that they need to clean up after their dog.

Encourage people to take pride in their dog park.

Report irresponsible dog owners to KPDC’s Board of Directors.

KPDC needs to:

Hold frequent clean up events.

The City needs to:

Install bag dispensers and signs with information about where dispensers are located and informing people of the obligation to “pick up after your mutt”.

(Note: the City plans to install three more kiosks in the off-leash area. There will be bag dispensers at each kiosk.)

KPDC’s Board of Directors would like to thank everyone who responded to the survey. Members will receive a complete, detailed copy of the survey results through KPDC’s internal email system.

Donna Henry

President – Kilcona Park Dog Club Inc.

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