News & Information

News & Updates from the park


May 2012

6th Annual BBQ Change Date Reminder

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Date Changed for Weather


Kilcona Park Dog Club´s Annual BBQ and Fundraiser is next Saturday June 2, 2012.
1:00PM until 5:00 PM


Featuring J D Hoggs’ custom-smoked hotdogs, sausages and burgers.


JD Hoggs sources all its meat from local suppliers to produce the highest quality, all natural, lactose, gluten and filler-free products.


Discount on food and beverages to all KPDC members.


Dog Lovers Raffle
First Prize $100 Gift Certificate – McPhillips Animal Hospital
Second Prize – $75 Gift Certificate – Pet Valu
Third Prize – $50 Gift Certificate – Sprockett’s Doggy Day Camp

50/50 Draw

All proceeds will be directed to improvements to the off-leash area.
Please remember to bring a chair.
We like you too :)

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