News & Information

News & Updates from the park


Oct 2017

Notice of KPDC Annual General Meeting

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Thursday, November 23, 2017 – 6:30pm

Bronx Community Centre

720 Henderson Hwy

All members are invited to attend.

The AGM provides an overview of KPDC’s activities, challenges, and a vision of the future. Business includes reports from the Board and the election of new Directors to fill Board vacancies. It is an opportunity to become informed, to ask questions, and to actively influence the club and improvements to Kilcona Dog Park.

City officials have invited KPDC’s Board to meet shortly before the AGM to discuss options for bringing clean drinking water into the off-leash area. The Project Manager will provide members an update on those discussions and KPDC’s Treasurer will provide an update on the status of our fundraising for the water features project.


The 2017 AGM agenda is posted below and the minutes of the 2016 AGM  are available in the “About Us” section of KPDC’s website.

The success of Kilcona Park Dog Club depends upon active participation by all members. We look forward to seeing you there.

Meet and mingle with dog park friends.

Early Bird Membership draw for over $500 in prizes, 50/50 raffle, and valuable door prizes.

Refreshments courtesy of KPDC  Platinum Sponsor, JD Hoggs Sausage Company.

Need to purchase or renew your membership? Sign up at the door.



  1.  Approval of the 2017 AGM Agenda

  2.  Approval of the 2016 AGM Minutes

  3.  2016-17 Annual Report

  4.  2016-17 audited Financial Report

  5.  By-law Amendments  (see below)

  6.  Q and A Session

  7.  Election of Directors for 2016-2017

  8.  Adjournment

Proposed By-law Amendments

The amendments and the rationale for each amendments, is as follows.

1. In the title of the document, and articles 1.1, 1.2 and 15.1 – the name of the club is amended from Kilcona Park Dog Club Incorporated to Kilcona Park Dog Club Inc. to align with the club’s legal name in KPDC’s Articles of Incorporation.

2. Articles 8.8 and 14.1.1 – amended from “The Board shall inform members of the Annual General Meeting via e-mail, on the Club bulletin board and at other appropriate locations at Kilcona Park.” to “The Board shall inform members of the Annual General Meeting via e-mail, on the Club bulletin board at Kilcona Park and on the Club’s Facebook page.” The intent of the amendment is to reflect the actual and most effective practice of communicating with members.

3. Article 9.5 – amended from “Voting at every General Membership Meeting shall be by secret ballot.” to ” “Voting at every General Membership Meeting shall be by show of hands except where a member requests a vote by secret ballot .” The intent of the amendment is to reflect the actual practice while still allowing for ballot voting.

4. Article 11.7.2 – amended from “In accordance with the Corporations Act of Manitoba, the President shall file, on the last day of the anniversary month of incorporation, an Annual Return of Information with the Companies Office, 1010- 405 Broadway Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3L6.” to “In accordance with the Corporations Act of Manitoba, the President shall file, before  the last day of the anniversary month of incorporation, an Annual Return of Information with the Companies Office, 1010- 405 Broadway Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3L6.” The intent of the amendment is to reflect actual practice and allow for flexibility.


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