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Aug 2016

New Bag Box Marks the End of an Era

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Today marked the end of an era as Kilcona Park Dog Club retired the aging recycled bag container that club founder, Wayne L’Esperance built and donated to the park fifteen years ago. The “bag box”, like an old friend, served Kilcona’s dog community well – but after a decade and a half of service it was showing its age.


In its place, underneath the map, there’s a sturdy new bag box, cheerfully painted a shiny bright red to match the new lost and found box that Bob Christie and Ann Gay constructed and installed last month.


Kilcona Park Dog Club would like to thank Ann, Bob, and Angie Zalondek for generously donating all of the material and for the time, effort and care they put into manufacturing the new bag container. As Ann says, “We are happy to donate to a place our dogs love!”


It’s people like Bob, Ann and Angie that make Kilcona Dog Park such a special place!

KPDC salutes these wonderful volunteers!

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