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Oct 2013

Notice of Meeting – KPDC AGM

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2013 AGM Poster V1

KPDC is Kilcona’s official City of Winnipeg Adopt-A-Park steward. The club advocates on behalf of member dog owners who use Kilcona’s off-leash area.

KPDC’s Annual General Meeting is members’ opportunity to be involved in the on-going dialogue about the park and Kilcona’s dog community. It’s your opportunity to have a voice in decisions about KPDC-funded off-leash area initiatives and  the future of the dog park, discuss issues, and learn more about the activities of the association.

It is also your opportunity to elect the 2013-14 Board of Directors. Members are welcome to run for any position on the Board. Please note that there are four vacancies that must be filled if the club is to continue operating – Treasurer and the Directors of Events, Membership and Marketing.

If you are interested in serving and would like to see job descriptions for any of the positions,  please click on the “Bylaws” tab above, and follow the links to Article 5. If you would like more information about KPDC Board opportunities, please email or call Donna Henry at 204-947-5315.

Notice of Motion –  Motions that members wish to have considered at the AGM must be received in writing by the Board by November 5th, 2013 at 6pm. Please send the exact wording of the motion and the names of the mover and seconder to or to Kilcona Park Dog Club, PO Box 43051, RPO Kildonan Place, Winnipeg MB, R2C 5G5..

KPDC’s Early Bird Membership draws will be made at the AGM – a $50 gift certificate for Alpine Animal Hospital and a $25 gift certificate for Sprockett’s Doggy Day Camp. There will be a door prize and a 50/50 draw.

All KPDC members who have purchased their 2014 membership are welcome to attend – memberships will be sold at the door.

Draft 2013 AGM Agenda

Adoption of agenda

Adoption of minutes of 2012 AGM

Adoption of minutes of April 2013 Special General Membership Meeting re reduction of dog park area

Directors Annual Reports

Treasurer’s Report

Considereation of proposed By-law amemdments

Consideration  of motions for which members have given notice

Oath of Office – swearing in of 2013-14 Board of Directors


Refreshments 3


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