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Mar 2014

Kilcona’s Winter Warriors

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March 4, 2014…Hell may indeed have frozen over!

The first day of spring is less than three weeks away, but for many Winnipeggers, it can’t come soon enough.This is Winnipeg’s coldest winter in thirty-five years.


Photo credit: Caroline Barghout – CBC Winnipeg

These days, with wind chill values well inside in the danger zone, dogs and dog owners are the only ones enjoying Kilcona Park.  Outside the off-leash area, the only thing moving is an occasional park patrol vehicle.


Photo credit: Jeff Henry

On Friday another surge of Arctic air moved in to Winnipeg, bringing winds of 40 kilometers an hour with gusts to 60. Blowing snow created zero visibility white-out conditions.

Winter Jeff and Dogs

A snow dog’s dream!

Photo credit: Phil Hossack – Winnipeg Free Press

On Saturday wind chill values dropped to a record minus 50C. On one of the worst weekends ever, heroic dog parkers and their furry friends, undaunted by the extreme weather, bundled up beyond recognition to hike Kilcona’s pond trails.


Our masked winter warrior – KPDC’s Director of Events, Cindy Greenlay – layered up and braved  Saturday’s bone chilling temperatures to take Cade to the park. A Husky cross from northern Manitoba, Cade is a true snow dog. Says Cindy, “Cade was so happy running around. He truly does make winter more tolerable!!”

Cindy and Cade

Cade and Cindy love winter and the fun-filled opportunities the season presents. As a recreational therapist, Cindy knows the importance of being active throughout the year.  KPDC’s new Director of Events is already planning Kilcona’s first Winter Dog Fest with kick-sledding and skijoring events. Stay tuned!

If you have inspiring extreme winter weather photos at Kilcona, why not share them! Post them on KPDC’s Facebook page.

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