May 2014WINDOG Launch covered in the news
Posted by Kilcona Park Dog Club / in Information, News /
Today CBC News broke the story launching the Winnipeg Network of Dog Owner Groups (WINDOG).
WINDOG is the new advocacy coalition that is working with dog parks clubs like KPDC to make Winnipeg a more “dog friendly” community. By working together through WINDOG, individual clubs have a much stronger the voice in our efforts to secure more and better off-leashed areas that are properly serviced, safe, attractive,and well-maintained.
WINDOG has been publicly endorsed by Winnipeg Humane Society’s CEO Bill McDonald. It has also organized three new dog park clubs at Brenda Leipsic, Charleswood and Bourkevale.
WINDOG will be working very hard over the next six months to elect a dog-friendly Mayor and Council. If we are going to be successful in getting the improvements we want for Kilcona and other dog parks in the city,