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Sep 2012

KPDC Welcomes Kathleen Kirkman

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KPDC Welcomes Kathleen Kirkman



Kathleen Kirkman is KPDC´s newest Director. Kathleen has been a regular visitor to Kilcona for about five years. This year she decided to get involved in club events and help raise money for park improvements. She´s been a wonderful volunteer and the Board is pleased to announce that Kathleen has recently been appointed to the Board of Directors as Secretary.


Kathleen loves Kilcona. In her own words, “Initially, I was going to Little Mountain Park but decided the atmosphere and size of Kilcona is more ideal for me and my dogs. I love this park because of the ability to ride my scooter around and give my dogs a good run.


My dogs, Harry (pink collar) and Shay are ecstatic when they arrive at the park. After a good run, their tongues are hanging to the ground and they quickly fall into a deep sleep in the car on the way home.


Harry is a cross between a Lab and German Shepherd and Shay is a Border Collie. Harry was found walking down Logan Avenue during rush hour. The good nature of a passer-by resulted in his being taken to the Winnipeg Animal Services Agency Shelter. He was 2 months old at the time and now is a 4 years old. Shay was a rescue from a owner who could not take care of her anymore. She is 10 years old and even in her fits of abnormal behavior is truly a lovely dog.


The atmosphere at the dog park is so friendly and everyone I have met is pleasant and really friendly towards me and my dogs. I love the socialization at the picnic tables and this allows me to get to know people in more depth.


The nature, in terms of the wild flowers, trees and birds is incredibly uplifting for me. It is hard to believe this park was built on a garbage heap and still nature flourishes here.”


Welcome to the team, Kathleen.




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