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Jul 2013

Hot Wheels – Cool Dog!

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Hot Wheels – Cool Dog!


Annie Gilbert, Susan Argue, Paige Day and Sadie check out Sara’s new wheels.

Susan Argue and Al Bartlett brought their adorable pug puppy home when she was seven weeks old. That was almost thirteen years ago. Sara’s always been a super-active girl. A regular at the dog park, in 2011 she hiked Kilcona’s entire 10 kilometer trail network with KPDC Board of Directors.

Recent surgery on one of her back feet left Sara with nerve damage. Without the ability to run or play with her sister Sadie, the little pug was becoming a shadow of her former self.

Determined to help her keep moving, Susan and Al decided to find a walker/wheelchair for their beloved pet. Their search led them to Vancouver and Walkin’ Wheels for Handicapped Pets.

Susan says the walker’s a great investment – the best the family could have made to improve Sara’s mobility and extend her life. It’s put the wag back in the little pug’s tail and has her once again trotting around her favorite dog park.

Susan explains, “Some dogs are naturals – they figure out how to use the walker right away. For Sara, it took a bit more time.  She had to figure out how to walk with her new wheels – she had to learn she needed to pull with her front feet. She’s a real trooper and she tried hard to make it work right from the start. Now that she’s got the hang of it she even tries to run! Sadie just trots ahead and waits for her.”

According to Susan, dogs do not have to be paralyzed or completely disabled to reap the rewards of a mobility aid.  If they’re having trouble walking, the extra support can help them get the exercise they need, strengthen muscles and  improve their own mobility. With her increased activity at the dog park in the past two weeks, Sara is already walking better on her own. Congratulations to a very determined little girl!


Connor Day, Annie Gilbert and Paige Day with Sara and Sadie



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