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May 2018

Kilcona Park – Clean and Green!

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The first Sunday in May…the perfect day to be at the park! Hundreds of volunteers agreed and turned out for the 18th Annual Kilcona Park Dog Club/ Royal LePage Prime Spring Clean-up.

Armed with buckets, bags, rakes, shovels and pooper scoopers, and enjoying the warm, sunny weather, the Poo Crew pitched in to clean up and spruce up our favorite dog park. Thanks to everyone who performed the seriously unpleasant task of picking up other people’s dog poop to make our park cleaner, safer, and more attractive.

This spring’s clean-up will be remembered for two things.

The first…A dedicated team of volunteers also picked up coyote scat in the interest of science. Coyote scat can be recognized by the presence of bones, fur and feathers. Fifty samples were collected along the Forest Trail, near the northern ponds behind homes on Knowles Avenue, and on the hill in the off-leash hill.

The collection was done in support of a research project the is being directed by MB Health, the University of Manitoba and the WRHA. Investigators wish to know if a species of tapeworm that has been introduced into Canada from Europe and Asia is present in wolves, coyotes, foxes and dogs in the Winnipeg area. While the tapeworm is harmless to dogs, it causes serious disease that is difficult to treat when transmitted to humans. Many Poo Crew volunteers also provided baggies with fresh samples of their dogs’ feces that researchers will test for the parasite.

The second thing – a matter of great concern to clean-up volunteers – is how incredibly filthy almost every part of the park was this spring. Poop everywhere! While most Kilcona dog owners are responsible pet owners, some obviously are not.

If you are one of the scofflaws who thinks you don’t have to pick up if you dog heads into the tall grass, you’re busted! It’s a very dangerous practice. Dog waste that hides in the weeds carries the same disease-causing bacteria and parasites as it does in the short grass and along the trails.

Spring run-off carries fecal matter from the hills down into the ponds, contaminating the water where dogs swim and drink.

Kilcona’s responsible dog owners have grown tired of such irresponsible behavior. They are reporting park users who violate the law and Winnipeg Animal Services is acting on those reports. Here’s the process.

Animal Services advises park users to carry spare bags. If you see a pet owner not pick up after their dog, offer them a bag. If the person refuses to co-operate, take photos of the dog, the person, and their vehicle license plate.  Email the photos to the City at

Animal Services investigates every complaint except anonymous ones. You will be asked to provide your name, address and phone number but that information will not be given out to the offender.

So far this spring, Animal Services has received 283 complaints. Sixty-six resulted in warnings and 21 pet owners have been ticketed. Fines for not cleaning up after your dog range from $200 to $400.

Hundreds of bags of unclaimed dog waste were picked up at Kilcona Park on Sunday. Thanks to KPDC’s outstanding Poo Crew for a brilliant performance!

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