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News & Updates from the park


May 2014

Who’s Been Picking Up After Your Dog!

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Kilcona Park Dog Club celebrates our amazing volunteers who turned out on Sunday to help transform Kilcona into the cleanest off-leash area in Winnipeg.

This was one of the best turnouts for a park clean-up. The response to the Board’s call for volunteers means that KPDC will continue to host park stewardship events.

At least 500 dog-owners and their friends and families turned out for the official clean-up on Sunday morning. The parking lot was full.


Director of Events Cindy Greenlay greets volunteers and hands out park clean-up contest rules.

Many early-bird volunteers braved rain, snow showers, high winds and frigid temperatures on Saturday  to begin the task of picking up a winter’s worth of up unclaimed dog waste.

KPDC salutes father and son team, Jim and Ben Handford who delivered 16 bags of garbage to the main collection depot!!

A very special thanks to Bob McConomy, Kathy Douglas and other volunteers who focused their efforts on picking up and hauling monster bags of dog waste out of the long grass!

IMG_1111Bob McConomy

IMG_1121Kathy Douglas

If you are one of the guilty parties who thinks you don’t have to pick up if you dog heads into the tall grass, you’re busted! Responsible pet owner have grown tired of such irresponsible behavior. Kilcona’s dog community will begin reporting park users who violate the law.

Dog waste that hides in the weeds carries the same disease-causing bacteria and parasites as it does in the short grass and along the trails. Spring run-off carries fecal matter from the hills down into the ponds, contaminating the water where dogs swim and drink. 

Responsible pet ownership reflects well on Kilcona’s dog community. Be part of the solution. Join the Number Two Clue Program. Bring a whistle to the park and use it to alert distracted or irresponsible dog owners that they need to pick up.

Bring extra bags and offer one to those in need. Use one of them to pick up an extra pile each time you visit the park.


For those of you who’ve asked how to report dog owners that don’t pick up, here are Winnipeg Animal Services instructions.
Call 311 and provide:
• Your name, address and phone number
• The dog owner’s vehicle license number
• The date and time tof the incident
• A description of the dog
Animal Services investigates every complaint except anonymous ones.


The Winners!

We all winners when our park is clean. But some folks also won prizes.


Kelly Ashton draws the winning ticket!


The winner of the Kilcona Park Spring Clean-up draw for a $50 gift certificate from KPDC Gold Sponsor, McPhillips Animal Hospital is Corey Flett.


Director of Fundraising Maria Conley with Director of Marketing Jeff Henry, announcing the winner of the Spring Clean-up Draw.

50/50 draw winner Tammy Murawka generously donated her winnings to Kilcona Park Dog Club for waste bag dispensers, potable water and other park improvements. Thanks Tammy!!


Tammy Murawka


Other prize winners were Rob Miller, Ulinke  Cann, Glenda Burke, Kelly Ashton, Phil Werbiski and Teresa Kuzyk.

Some of our great volunteers…


Janet Werbiski


Ron Miller


Julie Johnson

Many others pitched in…thanks to you all!





The Poo Crew Management Team…


KPDC Treasurer Ted Norrington and Director of Volunteers Stacy Boone issue tickets for the clean-up draw.


A volunteer supports KPDC 50/50 draw to raise money for dog park improvements


KPDC Secretary Kathleen Kirkman renews a membership


Ted, Kathleen and Maria

We like you too :)

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