
KPDC Events


Nov 2014

Making a Splash Fundraiser

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Making a Splash Fundraiser

History 39
Kilcona Park Dog Club Inc. (KPDC) is the official park steward for Kilcona Park. Our group raises funds to provide park improvements. A major project we are supporting is the Make a Splash Campaign which is raising funds to bring potable water to the park as well as to build dog wash stations and a splash pad.

We are hosting a Bud, Spud and Steak Fundraiser on Friday, November 7, 2014 at Canad Inns Transcona.

Tickets are available via, our website: or via our facebook page. We will also we out in the community at our Gold Sponsor – Pet Valu Reenders, or at Kilcona Park.

Tickets are $20 each and includes a Drink (Bud), potato (spud) and Steak (along with all the trimmings). We will be having a 50/50 draw, door prize and silent auction.

On behalf of Kilcona Park Dog Club Inc and the dogs that we love, our many thanks for your anticipated support.


We like you too :)

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