
KPDC Events


Nov 2012


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Kilcona Park Dog Club General Meeting


Please join us for Monday night’s AGM. Guest speakers are marketing specialist Robyn Maharaj and Little Mountain Park Pet Owners Association organizer, Kristy Greening.

If you’re tired of dog owners who don’t pick up and tired of stepping in poo, you won’t want to miss Robyn’s presentation. She’ll unveil a humorous new initiative to clean up Kilcona and raise funds for park improvements.

Winnipeg’s off-leash area is shrinking rapidly. In June the City of Winnipeg closed Transcona’s only dog park; Charleswood’s off-leash area will be closed in 2014 to accommodate an extension to the William Clement Parkway; this summer the City reduced Little Mountain’s off-leash area by half, forcing dogs and owners into the most dangerous area of the park adjacent to two busy provincial roads.

Now Little Mountain dog owners have discovered that the off-leash area will be permanently closed to make way for a major Centreport Canada transportation corridor. Kristy will share what a small group of Little Mountain dog owners are doing to save their off-leash area and why a dog club will play an important role.

The KPDC/ City of Winnipeg Consultative Committee met on Friday. Hear about the City’s plans for trail stabilization in the off-leash area, a protocol for dealing with dog aggression and attacks, and other park news.

Find out the latest about Winnipeg’s new dog park coalition.

Pick up your copy of Pet-iquette.

Refreshments, including corporate sponsor JD Hoggs’ custom-smoked sausage, will be served.


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Ken del Kennels